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Feminine care – things your mother didn’t tell you…

Care and Maintenance of Your Vagina


The care and maintenance of your vagina.


Are you having embarrassing issues that are difficult to discuss with your doctor? Do you suffer from chronic Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), yeast infections, herpes, bacterial vaginosis, HPV, itching, odor or unexplained vaginal discharge?


I have successfully worked with many woman with these problems and I am here to tell you there are easy answers that work quickly and effectively.

Perk up your sex life by improving the care and maintenance of your vagina.


Introducing Dr. Dena’s lactobacillus vaginal candy!


This unique vaginal self help kit is available by individual consultant only.  Dr. Dena will only work with women individually since the subject matter and proprietary ingredients are much too personal.



This is a summary of a testimonial I received from a client who was struggling with feminine health issues for years.

She is now free of those issues!


After suffering for nine years with a strange and unknown vaginal condition, I was given a diagnosis of Desquamative Inflammatory Vaginitis. After much research and many late nights on the computer with bloggers or chats that I found, I accepted that this was indeed my condition. The symptoms were prurulent (pus like) discharge, along with itching and discomfort, a strawberry (dotted) cervix and basically a life sentence with no real cure. Two of the other main markers of this illness are an elevated PH of the vagina, and absence of Lactobacillus; an important and necessary bacteria for good vaginal health.


I discovered there was never any real cure – the research I found dated back to the 1960’s. I saw several different gynecologists over the years, some specialists in rare disorders of the vagina, I had to wear panty liners every day for fear of leaking through. The cycle was miserable; I would wait to get my period, hoping that a new menstrual cycle would shed whatever was going on with me. The treatment for DIV, the only documented protocol that my patient doctor was able to find, was 4-6 weeks of vaginal Clindamycin, followed by 4 – 6 weeks of vaginal Steroids over the past 9 years.


My condition always began with itching, and then within a day or two, the discharge would begin. My doctor suggested I finish out the two more weeks of Clindamycin, so I did, only to go back to all of my symptoms within one week of stopping.


One day after starting the steroids, I received an email blast from Dr. Dena’s Healthy U. I put my embarrassment and pride to the side and sent her a simple email; “do you know anything about vaginal health?”  Her response was IMMEDIATE; “of course I do!”


I started my treatment protocol with Dr. Dena in December of 2012. Within two weeks, my symptoms were GONE. I stayed vigilant. I did everything she told me to do, which included dietary changes.  I continued her protocol for a few months. I was scheduled to see my gynecologist and couldn’t wait to see her and see what the lab results would show.


I am a skeptic so I like to see scientific evidence, my doctor sent me an email with my lab results and in the subject of the email, she wrote “They’re back – lactobacillus!”  I eagerly looked at my results and where it had said lactobacillus – none detected, for years, it finally said, lactobacillus – 6.  I was thrilled.  Further, when I was in her office, she did a PH test of my vagina and it was at 4.5, totally and completely normal.  When I had completed the treatment of antibiotics, it was at 5.5, which is enough to make someone quite uncomfortable.


I am writing this testimonial to tell you that not only did Dena heal me, she cured me and led me to an overall better quality of life. She is beyond knowledgeable about the body and natural ways of healing, and is intuitive about my body and health in a way that I didn’t know was possible.  I am still in AWE of her.

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